Rescue Me! Doberman Pinscher Dominican RepublicDominican Republic Doberman Pinscher Rescue

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Dominican Republic Doberman Pinscher Rescue
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Rescue Me ID: 11-06-21-00038Kasha (female)

Doberman Pinscher Mix    Age: Young Puppy

Compatibility: Good with Most Dogs, Good with Kids and Adults 
Personality: Average Energy, Average Temperament 
Health: Needs to be Spayed, Vaccinations Current, Abused/Neglected 

     This is Kasha... I found her a week ago in front of my office in Punta Cana. She was very shy, scared and underfed when I found her but as you can see she is already doing a lot better! Since I work for a Belgian touroperator I cannot keep her. That is why I am looking for a warm and loving family who would like to give her a home! If you are that person, please let me know!! Esa esta Kasha...La encontr� hace una semana delante de mi oficina en Punta Cana. �Ella era muy t�mida, asust� y flaca cuando la encontr� pero como puede ver ya est� haciendo mucho mejor! Porque trabajo para un touroperador de B�lgica no puedo guardarla. �Por esta ... (Read More)razon estoy buscando a una familia agradable y cari�osa que quiere adoptarla! Si eres esa persona, por favor, d�jame saber!! (Less)

     Animal Location:

Bavaro, Punta Cana Dominican Republic

Contact:Laure Matthys 829 763 7241EMAIL

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PIease Read Before Adopting a Doberman Pinscher in Dominican Republic
    Doberman Pinscher Dogs can make good pets in Dominican Republic if they match your IifestyIe. The Doberman Pinscher is a powerful guard dog. Dobermans are protective, but are not vicious dogs; their reputation for aggression is undeserved. Doberman Pinschers that are properly trained and socialized are very gentle family companions.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
Doberman Pinscher
lnteresting Doberman Pinscher Trivia Dominican Republic Fact Sheet
    Doberman Pinschers were first bred by a German tax collector named Louis Doberman. Dobermans are a relatively new breed dating only to the 1860s.

Related pages:

Doberman Pinscher Rescue

Dominican Republic Animal Rescue
    Dominican Republic is Iocated in the Caribbean Islands and spans across approximateIy 18,000 square miIes. The population of Dominican Republic is about 9.1 million. Threatened species known from Dominican Republic include the Puerto Rican Hutia and Hatian Solenodon.
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